Category: Management

Pets in the Office

The sight of a furry friend roaming the halls might conjure images of a relaxed and happy workplace. But before you unleash the hounds, consider the potential upsides and downsides of a pet-friendly policy. Pros: Wagging Tails and Soaring Morale Stress Busters: Studies suggest interacting with pets lowers blood pressure and heart rate, promoting a…
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Mastering the STAR Method

Landing your dream job often hinges on delivering impactful answers during the interview. Behavioral interview questions, which probe past experiences to predict future performance, can feel particularly daunting. Here’s where the STAR method comes in, offering a structured approach to crafting compelling responses that showcase your skills and experience.   What is the STAR Method?…
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SCRUM in software development

In the realm of software development, navigating complex projects with ever-changing demands can be daunting. That’s where Scrum, a dynamic and collaborative framework, steps in. Scrum empowers teams to deliver value incrementally, adapt quickly to new information, and continuously improve their development process. What is Scrum? Imagine a rugby scrum, pushing forward in unison towards…
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Waterfall in Software Development

While often presented as an outdated relic, the Waterfall methodology still holds ground in some corners of software development. This linear, sequential approach, inspired by manufacturing processes, involves distinct phases like requirements gathering, design, development, testing, and deployment. Each phase needs to be completed fully before moving on to the next, forming a “waterfall” of…
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Kanban in Software Development

In the fast-paced world of software development, efficiency and adaptability are paramount. Kanban, a visual and flexible approach to project management, has emerged as a powerful tool for teams seeking to optimise their workflows and deliver value continuously. What is Kanban? Kanban, derived from the Japanese word for “signboard,” is a lean methodology that emphasises…
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ScrumBan in Software Development

In the dynamic world of software development, rigid methodologies can struggle to keep pace with ever-changing demands. Enter Scrumban, a hybrid approach that combines the structured sprints of Scrum with the visual flow of Kanban, offering a blend of control and adaptability for modern teams. What is Scrumban? Imagine merging the organised routines of a…
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Pair Programming: Benefits and Challenges

Imagine coding side-by-side with another developer, bouncing ideas off each other, and catching errors collaboratively. That’s the essence of pair programming, a software development practice where two programmers work together on a single task, sharing a workstation and the coding responsibilities. But is it truly a recipe for success, or are there hidden downsides to…
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A Guide to Handling Difficult Clients

Every professional encounters them at some point: the demanding, unreasonable, or downright rude client. While not always pleasant, these interactions are inevitable, and learning how to effectively handle them can be a valuable skill. Here are some strategies to turn even the most challenging client into a manageable situation: Stay Calm: Reacting emotionally fuels the…
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