A Guide to Different Interview Techniques

A Guide to Different Interview Techniques

The interview is a crucial stage in the job search process. But with various interview styles thrown your way, it can be challenging to know how to best prepare and respond. Here’s a breakdown of some common interview techniques, helping you approach each one with confidence:


1. Traditional Interview:

This is the most familiar format, featuring a one-on-one conversation between you and the interviewer. Expect a mix of questions about your skills, experience, and knowledge related to the job description.

  • Preparation: Research the company and role thoroughly. Practice common interview questions and prepare STAR-method responses (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to showcase your achievements.

2. Behavioral Interview:

This technique delves into past experiences to predict future performance. Interviewers ask questions like, “Tell me about a time you faced a conflict with a colleague.”

  • Preparation: Anticipate behavioral questions and identify relevant past experiences that demonstrate the desired skills and qualities. Be ready to elaborate using the STAR method.

3. Stress Interview:

Designed to assess your composure under pressure, stress interviews involve aggressive questioning, interruptions, or unexpected scenarios.

  • Preparation: Practice maintaining calmness and professionalism under pressure. Anticipate potential curveballs and focus on delivering well-structured and thoughtful answers.

4. Panel Interview:

This involves facing a group of interviewers from various departments within the company. Each person might focus on different aspects of your qualifications.

  • Preparation: Research the interviewers’ backgrounds if possible. Practice your answers to cater to a wider range of interests and expertise.

5. Group Interview:

Here, you’ll be interviewed alongside other candidates, often tasked with collaborative activities or discussions. This assesses your teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.

  • Preparation: Research common group interview activities and practice showcasing your leadership, communication, and ability to work effectively within a team.

6. Case Interview:

Common in consulting or business strategy roles, case interviews present you with a business problem and ask you to analyse it and propose solutions.

  • Preparation: Practice your analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Develop a structured approach to analysing case studies, considering various factors and potential solutions.

7. Technical Interview:

This format assesses your technical skills and knowledge specific to the job. Expect questions related to software, programming languages, or industry-specific tools.

  • Preparation: Thoroughly review the job description and identify relevant technical skills. Brush up on your knowledge and practice answering technical questions with clear explanations.

8. Phone Interview:

Often used as a screening stage, phone interviews allow you to connect with the interviewer remotely.

  • Preparation: Treat it like an in-person interview. Choose a quiet location and minimise distractions. Be prepared to articulate your skills and experience concisely.

9. Video Interview:

Similar to a phone interview, video interviews allow for a more interactive experience. Ensure you have a stable internet connection and a professional backdrop.

  • Preparation: Practice your video conferencing etiquette. Maintain eye contact with the camera and project confidence through your body language.